By partnering with specific programs, donations are targeted to those most in need. Events including donation drives, auctions etc. will be used in partnership with our monetary giving campaigns to advocate and raise funds for community meals in the Greater Milwaukee and Madison areas, in addition to Iowa locations beginning in 2019.
95% of monetary donations and 100% of all food drive collections will go directly to these programs. The remaining 5% will be used on administrative fees of website upkeep and marketing support. Pharm to Tables is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, so all your donations are tax deductible.
Our goal is to make a greater impact as an entire professional group, helping to direct your funds in a specific manner. We want to commend ANY charitable giving… and support your decisions to give to the organization of your choice.
By partnering with Pharm to Tables you are joining a league of your peers in driving direct change in the communities in which you serve. Pharm to Tables is dedicated to electrifying the giving spirit of our profession! Join your co-workers and professional peers in our unified mission of addressing the food crisis for our neighbors, our friends and our families.
Additional support offered to a variety of Milwaukee Area Community Meals and Blessings in a Backpack